News Mar 3, 2020

Jacobs Awarded Employer of Choice for Gender Equality for Fifth Year Running

We’re celebrating five years as an Employer of Choice for gender equality, reflecting ongoing efforts to elevate women in the business and industry.

Employer of Choice
接受首选雇主-雅各布斯·卡桑德拉·乔治(包容性和多样性顾问) & Jacobs Women’s Network (JWN) Regional Lead), Fiona Rose (APAC I&D Manager) and Somoud Al Masri (Sales Operations Manager & JWN Global Chair) with Libby Lyons (second left), Director of the Australian Government's Workplace Gender Equality Agency

We’re proud to share the annual Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) “性别平等最佳雇主”榜单连续第五年将雅各布斯评为促进职场性别平等的领导者.


“雅各布斯商学院连续第五年被评为‘性别平等最佳雇主’,我们感到非常自豪,” says APAC & EMEA Jacobs Senior Vice President Patrick Hill. “过去五年来,我们在薪酬平等和挖掘女性领导潜力等问题上取得了重大进展. 我们对包容性的关注是一项持续的战略重点,性别平衡尤为重要.”

Australia and New Zealand Vice President Richard Hayers also shares, “在我们的澳大利亚和新西兰业务中推动更大的性别平衡和支持真正灵活的文化是我们的战略重点,这将使我们能够实现我们的目标. 获得性别平等最佳雇主奖是我们跟踪的一个重要标志, 我为我们的团队以及为实现这一重要里程碑所做的持续贡献感到自豪.”

To achieve the citation, 组织必须展示他们如何在领导力等领域实现性别平等的基准, learning and development, parental leave policies, flexible working and other systemic actions that improve gender equality outcomes.

We’ve focused on driving culture change and leadership accountability, 通过员工网络建立牢固的联系,并制定计划,以促进企业成为首选雇主. 这一荣誉反映了我们通过工作场所的灵活性来实现工作场所性别平等和包容的持续承诺和努力, 薪酬公平,落实支持男女平等晋升领导职位的目标.

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