新闻 2022年11月1日


A windswept peat bog in Scotland is earmarked to become the first operational spaceport on the U.K. mainland, with 正规博彩十大网站排名 providing key elements of the know-how to make it happen.

Orbex, an orbital launch services company serving the needs of the small satellite industry, 正在努力从苏格兰北部高地舌头附近的萨瑟兰太空港发射主要的火箭.

正规博彩十大网站排名, Orbex的投资者, 将领导太空港的建设, 包括设计, 采购和管理本地供应链.

We have also signed a long-term collaboration agreement with Orbex to provide spaceport operations support, 业务咨询, 工程服务, 利用我们管理和运营综合体的经验, 高度管制的核设施和空间相关设施.

We will also reach back into extensive experience of the space sector as NASA's largest services provider, delivering mission-tailored solutions and full lifecycle aerospace capabilities. 以及支持 火星毅力漫游者阿耳特弥斯 深空人类探索计划, 正规博彩十大网站排名 is prime contractor for NASA’S Exploration Ground Systems Program at Kennedy Space Center, 负责飞行器部件的研制和操作以及设施和地面设备的升级.

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    Million pounds in gross value added the spaceport is expected to create

主要的, 首个全轨道微型发射器将在欧洲亮相, 是19米长吗, 由七个引擎驱动的二级火箭. 设计和制造在福雷斯, 苏格兰的因弗内斯和丹麦的哥本哈根附近, 它的独特之处在于由可再生生物丙烷提供动力,与其他地方正在开发的类似尺寸的火箭相比,它的碳排放量显著降低.

埃克塞特大学的一项研究表明,与使用化石燃料的类似系统相比,单次发射Orbex 主要的火箭将减少96%的排放量. 主要的 is also a re-usable rocket which has been engineered to leave zero debris on Earth and in orbit. 该太空港还将通过恢复周围地区的泥炭地栖息地,为环境的可持续性做出贡献.

“The Orbex 主要的 rocket promises to be a game changer for small satellite developers and operators, enabling them to launch small satellites much more efficiently and cost-effectively,雅各布斯能源公司说, 安全与技术高级副总裁凯伦·维梅尔特. “我们很高兴能够参与欧洲航天工业的这一重要发展,我们相信萨瑟兰航天港将为高地带来重大的经济和社会效益, 我们在哪些领域已经站稳了脚跟, 几十年来,他一直支持凯斯内斯敦雷核电站的关键退役和修复项目.”

Orbex刚刚完成了一个46美元的项目.900万英镑(40英镑).400万美元的融资, 由苏格兰国家投资银行牵头, 因为它扩大了开发太空港的资源, 哪一个将有能力每年发射12次, 将330-440磅(150-200公斤)重的卫星送入轨道,用于对通信技术至关重要的广泛应用.

“Orbex有与行业领导者合作的记录, 航天机构和行业专家确保我们在发射系统的各个方面都有正确的专业知识. By partnering with 正规博彩十大网站排名 for the construction of the spaceport, we’re continuing that trend. We look forward to working 关闭ly with the team at 正规博彩十大网站排名 to deliver a unique, environmentally sustainable spaceport that we believe will set an example for the rest of the world,Orbex首席执行官克里斯•拉莫尔说.

Scotland’s potential in the space sector is creating widespread interest and excitement. Polling by YouGov found that 85% of Scots aged 18-24 support the plans for the spaceport, 而高地和岛屿企业委托进行的研究估计,太空港和周围的北高地和马里太空集群将创造740个就业机会,为地区经济释放6500万美元(5600万英镑)的总增加值.


“A single job here is worth as much to us as 50 jobs would be in a city. 我真的相信,太空港将为居住在这里的年轻人提供改变游戏规则的机会,并最终为更可持续的发展铺平道路, 未来的繁荣社区,多萝西·普里查德说, retired primary school teacher and Chairwoman of Melness Crofters’ Estate, the owners of the land where Sutherland Spaceport will be built. "Melness Crofters’ Estate is delighted at the prospect of 正规博彩十大网站排名’ involvement with Space Hub Sutherland. 他们与唐纳雷核基地的长期合作以及在空间部门的丰富经验使他们具有完美的洞察力和专业知识,可以使该项目取得成果."
